Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Goofball Kittens

Since Ethan started crawling our cats don't know what to do.They have to make more of an effort to get up higher to avoid tail biting pulling and kitty slapping as such.My oldest Noah doesn't care he just stays in the back bedroom and doesn't bother coming up front unless needed.We babyproofed this past weekend and we put up gates.Well after trying to go under the gates a few times (which are a half inch off the ground) they decided it was easier to just try and hop over.Lets just say its endless entertainment in our house right now.
There is a video I never put on here from right after Thanksgiving too of the kittens and us torturing them with the Laser Pointer(hehe).They are as far as I can tell weighing them they are both between 7 1/2 and 8 lbs and right at 7 months old.If those of you that are not cat people thats over aveage for a kitten.

I'm going to destroy you!
I can not bring a shopping home with it getting Kitty approval before hand.

I can get this ball watch me!

Chatter giving us his better side as you can see.

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